HOLY TRACTORS! I won two awards. TWO. For being stylish while I sit here in my long johns, my toenails blue from the cold!! Yup baby, that's style. ok, so I'm not in my long johns, but it is chilly, I should be.
OK. So on to accepting these awards. I made two lists, about myself;
1- War. How is this fun?
2- Competitive sports for kids. Why is this fun?
3- Parents who take sports for their kids tooooo seriously. Who forgot this was for the little gaffers? Cripes.
4- Query letters. Why did all my fun end here?
5- Dogs that bark in the middle of the night. Why for the love of all things written don't they sleep? not.fun.
6- Socks with holes. I just don't get why one always wears out before the other. (I always wear two socks. It just doesn't make sense and frustrates me.)
7- The fact that everything I cook burns. I just don't get how I burnt mac and dogs. I really don't.
And now. I pass this award onto 15 unsuspecting stylish bloggers. Again, I did this twice, turned out to be the same ones!
They all deserve a peek if you aren't following. If you are; yay!
All winners-- pick up your award and pass it on, give me praise and tell us 7 things about yourself. Go.
Life of Lois
Write on
Reading, Writing, Romance
The Girdle of Melian
Life, Love & Living in France
Literary Coldcuts on Toasty Buns
Ali Cross
Imagination Investigation
The Queen of Procrastination
Making It Up
Conversations with Self
Pensive Sarcasm
Carrie Keeps Typing
My Comfy Chair
Chris Phillips - Slushpile Savant
Vicki Tremper presented me with this stylish blogger award. Thanks Vicki!!!Her site is so much fun. Vicki has been on incredible adventures. I love her stories, her ideas, her fun love of life, and her writing is an inspiration. Be sure to stop by and visit my new friend. It'll be fun, she always has a tale to tell. Ah stories.
Witless Exposition at Cerebral Lunchbox presented me with this styling award.
Jessica is a fellow crusader and we landed in the same group, which means we have a few things in common. That we do. We love urban fantasy, video games, great books, and our dogs- despite their drooling faults. Check out our Interview here! Her site is one of my homes away from home, so be sure to check out my new buddy, and share in her discussions, she brings life to everything with great photos and details. Thanks Jessica!!!OK. So on to accepting these awards. I made two lists, about myself;
turns out they were exactly the same so here they are, summed up in one list.1- War. How is this fun?
2- Competitive sports for kids. Why is this fun?
3- Parents who take sports for their kids tooooo seriously. Who forgot this was for the little gaffers? Cripes.
4- Query letters. Why did all my fun end here?
5- Dogs that bark in the middle of the night. Why for the love of all things written don't they sleep? not.fun.
6- Socks with holes. I just don't get why one always wears out before the other. (I always wear two socks. It just doesn't make sense and frustrates me.)
7- The fact that everything I cook burns. I just don't get how I burnt mac and dogs. I really don't.
And now. I pass this award onto 15 unsuspecting stylish bloggers. Again, I did this twice, turned out to be the same ones!
They all deserve a peek if you aren't following. If you are; yay!
All winners-- pick up your award and pass it on, give me praise and tell us 7 things about yourself. Go.
Life of Lois
Write on
Reading, Writing, Romance
The Girdle of Melian
Life, Love & Living in France
Literary Coldcuts on Toasty Buns
Ali Cross
Imagination Investigation
The Queen of Procrastination
Making It Up
Conversations with Self
Pensive Sarcasm
Carrie Keeps Typing
My Comfy Chair
Chris Phillips - Slushpile Savant